MassHealth in the Community
As the direction of health care changes, more and more people are electing to remain in their homes, or in an assisted living facility longer with the assistance of additional clinical and financial support programs that can be accessed with MassHealth Benefits.
JBooker, LLC can help you to access the MassHealth coverage needed to take advantage of these programs. Here are some helpful contacts to explore the options available to Medicare beneficiaries with MassHealth coverage:
Senior Care Options ("SCO")
SCO offers seniors the benefits of coordinated care services. Members enrolled in SCO have 24-hour access to care and active involvement in decisions about their health care. SCO members have a primary care physician (PCP) who is affiliated with the senior care organization. The member's primary care physician and a team of nurses, specialists, and a geriatric support services coordinator work with the member (and family members or caregivers, if applicable) to develop a plan of care to specifically address the needs of the member.
Commonwealth Care Alliance Senior Care Options Telephone 1-866-610-2273
Service Area: Suffolk and, Essex County.Some availability in Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, Middlesex, Norfolk, and Plymouth Counties
Link: http://www.commonwealthcarealliance.org/home/key-contacts
Navicare Telephone 1-877-255-7108
Service Area: Worcester, Middlesex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Plymouth, Barnstable, Bristol, Hampden and Hampshire Counties. Some availability in Franklin County
Link: http://www.fchp.org/find-insurance/navicare.aspx
Senior Whole Health Telephone 1-888-794-7268
Service Area: Bristol, Essex, Middlesex, Norfolk, Plymouth, Suffolk and Worcester Counties
Link: http://www.seniorwholehealth.com/contact-swh/contact-massachusetts.html
UnitedHealthcare Senior Care Options Telephone 1-800-905-8671
Service Area: Bristol, Essex, Middlesex, Norfolk and Suffolk Counties. Some availability in Hampden, Plymouth and Worcester Counties
Link: http://www.uhccommunityplan.com/ma/medicare/2014/senior-care-options-hmo-snp.html?planRedirect=1
Massachusetts Government Site
Mass Health - To improve the health outcomes of our diverse members, their families and their communities, by providing access to integrated health care services that sustainably promote health, well-being, independence, and quality of life.
Link: http://www.mass.gov/eohhs/gov/departments/masshealth/
Federal Sites
Medicare: http://www.medicare.gov
Social Security Administration: http://www.ssa.gov/
Department of Veteran Affairs: http://www.va.gov/
AARP: http://www.aarp.org/